Welcome to the directory

The JAPANESE STREETS directory offers you detailed background information about Japanese fashion brands, fashion designers, fashion schools and fashion magazines.

Japanese Fashion Magazines

Each article in the directory has tags (keywords or categories) so you can find data quickly. You can find linked tags at the top of the page of each section. Just click and find!

For example:
You are looking for Japanese fashion magazines for women.
1. Go to the section mags (in the left menu)
2. Click on the tag women (behind market:)

Buy magazines online
For your convenience, we have added links to Amazon Japan for most magazines. Order your favorite Japanese fashion magazines straight from our site!

IMPORTANT: Although reliable and quick, overseas shipping from Amazon Japan is incredibly expensive, so we advice you to buy quite a few magazines at the same time, or share an order with friends or colleagues.

Japanese fashion terms
Fashion terms vary per country. Japanese terms tend to especially differ. Sometimes JAPANESE STREETS uses the Japanese term, like gyaru. Some terms we combine under a single English tag. "Skate" and "Surf" are tagged as street, while the common Japanese term "Mode" is tagged as stylish. "American Casual" is tagged as casual.

We constantly update our directory to give you the latest information. In the rare case that you do find some outdated info, please don't hesitate to contact us.
